7 secrets you should never tell anyone

Don’t tell anyone about your personal life: live in secret if you want to live happily! Human relationships are particularly difficult to understand, as the other party is not a faithful copy of who we are. In fact, we often expect from our interlocutor the reaction that we would have had in the same case, obviously remaining disappointed. We are all different, so better not to tell everything or share some aspects of our personal lives.


Source: Pixabay

Although we are surrounded by friends or family, we sometimes want to rely on people outside this circle for a new opinion or point of view. However, on some topics, it’s best not to talk to little-known people because we’re never sure what he might do with the information we share with him. Here are some topics you should be discreet about, to avoid conflicts of interest and potential sources of disputes:

1- Family problems

In the family environment, it is normal to face conflicts, either between us and a family member or between two other members of our family. Likewise, the family is a zone of comfort and safety where everyone reveals their secrets. So, avoid breaking this mechanism by revealing family problems that affect you or a relative in the public square.

2- Grudges

To succeed in life and feel good, it is necessary to leave grudges in the place they deserve: in the past. In fact, constantly talking about an argument or an act that has hurt us tires the person in front of us and encourages us to remain in a toxic attitude. Instead of hurting the one who hurt us, we hurt ourselves. Choose the path of redemption and forgiveness and finally free yourself from these wounds.

3- Money related issues

Keep a secret

Source: Pixabay

Purchasing power, wages, donations, taxes … there are so many terms that inevitably refer us to money. We currently live in a consumer society where money allows access to a particular social rank and also to satisfy our needs and desires. But money is above all a potential source of conflict and will remain so until the success of one or the other is judged by the amount of money they earn. But success isn’t just about money, and some forget it. So, to avoid judging and being judged, it’s best to keep the discussion of your financial situation in a small circle.

4- Last purchases

While we all want to share memories of our last trip or the name of the creator of our new fashion accessory with others, it’s best to keep it to ourselves. Indeed, unwittingly, you can arouse the jealousy of others and create futile reasons for disputes.

5- Personal beliefs

Religion, politics, various beliefs … are personal beliefs that are not always good to share. In fact, as long as we have not created a sincere and reciprocal bond with our interlocutor, we can subconsciously hurt him by clearly sharing our opinion and our beliefs, and vice versa. Hence, it is best to be sure of the strength of our relationship before addressing these topics. It should also be noted that posting our views publicly can cause us real problems, including legal ones.

6- Good deeds


Source: Pixabay

Although we are happy we did a good deed, bragging about it cancels this symbolic gesture. Indeed, bragging about one’s own merits implies that we have worked charitably to gain an interest, which is glory. Know that doing a good deed is rewarding and there is no point in talking about it.

7- Ambitions


Source: Pixabay

Sharing your most intimate ambitions doesn’t always help us. In fact, instead of allowing us to carry out this or that project, talking about it forces us to face criticism and obstacles. However, in general, the idea we share is not necessarily achieved and we can quickly become discouraged. Take care of your most ambitious ideas and projects and share them only with people you trust, who will offer you real support in the realization of your dreams.

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