Laughter can be a sign of happiness and even an expression of uncontrolled fear. Babies start laughing when they are very young, about 5 months old! Laughter is an expression of our emotions and it is created in our mind in a completely spontaneous way, you cannot control a laugh that breaks out suddenly.

Source: Pixabay
Another peculiarity is that laughter can be authentic or artificial. Have you noticed how many things a laugh hides? It also hides many benefits. The huge benefits of laughter “Smile at life and life will smile at you” says a well-known proverb and not by chance. Laughter is present in our lives every day and has enormous benefits. Laugh as many times as you want and the best thing is that the smile is free! It’s time to get to know the benefits behind a laugh and convince yourself to make you smile even more! Here are 7 good reasons to laugh:
1. Laughing puts you in a good mood
Lara Lucaccioni, Laughter Yoga Master Trainer and Laughter Yoga Ambassador in the world reminds us that 1 minute of forced laughter equals 45 minutes of relaxation that you will experience after you stop laughing and this has been scientifically proven. Not only the laughter but also the smile can cause the release of “happiness hormones” the endorphins in our bodies. In addition, laughter blocks the “stress hormone”, the cortisol that is harmful to the brain and muscles. So you generally feel happier, more relaxed and can relieve the tension felt during the day. If you want to fight stress and nervous situations, you just have to laugh!

Source: Pixabay
2. Laughing improves circulation
Did you know that when you laugh your blood flows 20% faster than usual? For this reason, blood pressure is lower and the heart works more efficiently. Dr. Michael Miller of the University of Maryland says that an adequate amount of laughter can positively affect the heart and blood vessels in a similar way to a workout. In addition, Japanese scientists say that laughter effectively reduces blood sugar for both healthy people and those suffering from diabetes and would increase the level of good cholesterol.
3. Laughing makes you immune
Laughter would increase the number of T lymphocytes that fight the viruses that enter our bodies and also increase other antibodies that protect our upper airways from germs. In addition, laughter releases endorphins, the “happiness hormones”, which also have anti-inflammatory properties. Adrenaline and cortisol, which weaken the immune system, are also blocked when laughing. In general, happy people get sick less often than their darker friends.
4. Laughing makes you lose weight
Laughter is probably the easiest and most pleasant way to take care of your muscles. When you smile, you train the muscles of the face, stomach, diaphragm, and shoulders, and you also burn a lot of calories! 1 minute of laughter makes you burn 12 calories! Isn’t it a perfect diet? And that’s not all. You probably don’t know that laughter acts as a pain reliever, minimizing muscle tension. When suddenly you have a painful cramp, instead of crying and resorting to pills try laughing. Also to relieve numb limbs, offer them “laughter therapy”.

Source: Pixabay
5. Laughing ‘infects” you with positive energy
Did you know that your smile can mean a lot to other people? When we see smiling faces, we tend to return their smile, and even when we don’t, we feel better. If your friends are happy, cheerful, and witty people, you will find yourself better with them and forget about your problems in their company. Conversely, being with someone who complains about everything has a devastating effect on your brain. Researchers say that smile is one of the most important criteria when it comes to judging people. When you smile you look more attractive, confident, and friendly, so you also have a better chance of getting a job or a job promotion!
6. Laughing reoxygenates you
When you smile you breathe more oxygen than when you are sad or serious. This oxygen spreads in the blood and reaches all the tissues of your body. Also, when more oxygen is supplied to your lungs, your brain is sufficiently ventilated and, consequently, better absorbs any information and knowledge and remembers this information for a longer time.
7. Laughing increases your charm
As you laugh the corners of the mouth are raised making the face younger and happier. Furthermore, laughing improves the microcirculation which also affects the scalp. This blood supply gives an improved appearance to the hair making it stronger and healthier. When we smile we hide some flaws in our appearance and are generally considered more attractive. Also increase your chances of finding a partner: many men have said they appreciate women who laugh at their jokes more. In addition to the health benefits of a smile, we reveal two interesting facts about laughter … You already know that a smile is contagious like a yawn. When you see happy people laughing out loud, the muscles in your face will be unwittingly tricked into smiling. Are you in a bad mood and you don’t feel like laughing? You can fool your body! If you try to smile, enjoy its benefits and improve your mood. Endorphins will take care of all your problems. Another interesting fact is that women tend to laugh more often than men, except when they are at work. A smile survey was also conducted which showed that we laugh at work more rarely than at home, but 30% of respondents smiled 5 to 20 times on a business day and 28% smiled more than 20 times after work. . However, there is always a good time to do it.
From now on, laugh as often as you want, indeed find opportunities to do it often, laughing is good and now you know there are at least 7 good reasons to do it!